So someone must have asked me when I was really little, «What are you gonna be when you grow up?
» And I said, «Uh, I’m gonna be a pediatrician.» ‘Cause I just came back from the doctor’s office, I needed help and you could tell what they did. They made you feel better. So that’s a noble profession. So I had gotten it stuck in my mind of, «I said it. So that’s what I told everyone, that’s my goal. So you have to go do that goal.» And I did everything from, like, candy striping and volunteering at the hospital to shadowing my aunt, you know, during her rounds, to taking anatomy. Um, and it took me a long time to realize that «Yeah, I could do it and I like the idea of it, but it just didn’t, it wasn’t for me.» Like the, um, smell of the formaldehyde from the dissections and like, I was not good with my hands to be able to do the dissections. The memorization of just learning the parts of the cell, like it took me forever to, to memorize that ‘cause it didn’t come easily.
But that was always my hobby
Whereas the physics, you know, the first day of class they’re like, «Okay, F equals MA. That’s all you’re gonna learn this whole semester.» And I was like, «Oh, okay, I get it.» And then as long as you get that, you can do everything and you don’t have to memorize. […]