11.1 Closure of a Player Account by the Player

11.1 Closure of a Player Account by the Player

A Player may close their Player Account at any time by contacting Player Support (“Closed Account”). If a Player is no longer eligible to have a Player Account (for example, if the Player will be relocating to a jurisdiction outside of the Province of Ontario, or if the Player becomes an Excluded Individual), the Player is required to Close their Player Account.

Upon Closure of a Player Account, the Player Account will no longer be accessible by the Player until such time as the Player has contacted Player Support to request a re-opening of the Player Account and OLG has approved of such re-opening. All Future Game Transactions associated with the Closed Player Account that have not been completed by the time of Closure will be cancelled.

Notwithstanding the Closure of the account, OLG will retain a Player’s information in accordance with its record retention policies. For more information on how OLG retains a Player’s personal information, see the OLG Internet Gaming Privacy and Cookie Policy

Subject to the minimum withdrawal requirements in Section 7.2 and documentation requirements in Section 4.3, if a Player Closes their Player Account and Unutilized Funds remain in the Player Account at that time, OLG will return the Unutilized Funds to the Player’s bank account that is associated with the Player Account, the details of which are stored by OLG on the iGaming System. In the event that no bank account is associated with the Player Account, or if OLG is not able to successfully deposit the Unutilized Funds in such bank account (for example, because the bank account has been closed or because OLG requires additional information in order to confirm that the bank account belongs to the Player), OLG will use reasonable efforts to contact the Player using the Player Contact Information to advise as to the status of the Player Account and the balance of Unutilized Funds. […]

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